MEA2 - Vermessung
Hier finden Sie einige Veröffentlichungen von MEA2-Mitarbeitern ab 2002.
11th International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA), 13.-17. September 2010, DESY, Hamburg
Adjustment with Least Squares Method, two software packages - two results (paper)
Adjustment with Least Squares Method, two software packages - two results (poster)
Initial deformation of the PETRA III slab (paper)
Initial deformation of the PETRA III slab (slides)
MT 20 - 20th International Conference on Magnet Technology, 27.-31. August 2007, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Precise Alignment of Magnetic Quadrupole Axes for PETRA III
Precise Alignment of Magnetic Quadrupole Axes for PETRA III (poster)
Precise Transfer Measurement of the Magnetic Axis to outside Monuments
Precise Transfer Measurement of the Magnetic Axis to outside Monuments
9th International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA), 25.-29. September 2006, SLAC, CA, USA
Status Report on Survey and Alignment Efforts at DESY
The PETRA III Girder-Concept
2nd ILC Workshop in Snowmass, July 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia
Survey and Alignment of the ILC - An approach to cost calculation and network simulations
8th International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA), 4.-7. October 2004, CERN, Schweiz
Status report on survey and alignment efforts at DESY
The Rapid Tunnel Reference Surveyor for a future linear collider
High precision survey and alignment of large linear accelerators (Poster)
LINAC2004, XXII International Linear Accelerator Conference, 16.-20. August 2004, Lübeck, Deutschland
High precision survey and alignment of large linear accelerators
High precision survey and alignment of large linear accelerators (Poster)
Ingenieurvermessung 2004, 14th International Conference on Engineering Surveying, 15.-19. März 2004, ETH Zürich, Schweiz
Ein hydrostatisches Meßsystem mit in-situ-Kalibrierung
Hochgenaue Vermessung und Justierung zukünftiger Linearbeschleuniger
Hochgenaue Vermessung und Justierung zukünftiger Linearbeschleuniger (Poster)
Intergeo 2003, Kongress und Fachmesse für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement
Geodäsie@DESY - Aufgaben der Vermessungsabteilung
Geodäsie@DESY - Justierung von Beschleunigerkomponenten
Geodäsie@DESY - GeLiS-RTRS Vermessungssystem für Tunnelnetze höchster Genauigkeit
7th International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment (IWAA), 11.-14. November 2002, SPring8, Japan
Status report on the survey and alignment of accelerators and storage rings at DESY
Next generation of linaer accelerators - high precision survey and alignment of upcoming large linear accelerators (Poster!)
TESLA - the range of survey and alignment work
High precision survey and alignment of large linear colliders - vertical alignment -
High precision survey and alignment of large linear colliders - horizontal alignment -
TESLA - a challenge in planning large facilities
TTF - the way to TESLA